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A dollar store deal to learn about the power of light.


Total time: 30 min

Cost: $3 per box / $4 for additional toys all from the dollar store


What You Need

1 clear food storage container with lid (ideally with plastic that looks frosted)

1 battery operated light - we bought the push night lights in different shapes

1 set of batteries

various toys to test light - we bought alphabet and number magnets, clear necklace beads, and florist beads


Make It

Grab a clear food container or storage box. If you can find one that is "translucent" (i.e. like frosted glass) you're golden (we found some at the dollar store). If not, you can spray paint the interior with Frosted Glass spray paint for a few coats to get the same affect. Put the lid down, put the battery operated light on lid, then place the container on top. You will be looking through the bottom of the container. Now put toys on and explore the beauty of all things transparent, translucent, and opaque!

mini light box

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